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WIP & Workshop @ Kleintheater Luzern

Biotic Projections / Transreal Spaces will show a new excerpt at Kleintheater Luzern.

We are delighted to work in this beautiful theatre once again. In addition to the showing and artist talk we will also lead a workshop on the following day, open for anyone who wants to try out our VR glasses. Come and get a glimpse of how it is to use them in a performative setting!

Performance + artist talk 17.2.23 at 18.30

Workshop 18.2.23 at 14.00 and 15.30 open for public.

Info, tickets and workshop registration here.

Performance: Jenna Hendry & Angela Stöcklin

Choreography: Lyn Bentschik

Scenography: Linda Vollenweider

Music: Yannick Consaël

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